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You will need to install and activate the Rishi Companion plugin in order to use the Advertisement block.

The Advertisement block can be used to display advertisement on a website either by uploading an Ad image or by entering the Ad code.

Site owners can promote any specific offers or sales or display Google ads via this widget.

How to add the Advertisement block? #

  • Visit Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets.
  • Inside the Sidebar dropdown option, click on the Add block “+” icon.
  • Search for Rishi – Advertisement and click on the block to add it.
  • The block will be added to the sidebar which you can further configure via the provided Block Settings.

Block Settings #

The following is the list of block settings provided to configure the Advertisement block.

Title: You can enter the title for the block added here.

Display Advertisement from: Select if you want to display an advertisement either by uploading an Ad image or by entering the Ad code.

Ad Code: You can enter the Ad code inside this field. This option will only be displayed when you select the option to display an advertisement from Ad Code.

Upload Image: Here you can upload your Ad image. This option will only be displayed when you select the option to display advertisement via Uploaded Image.

Featured Link: Here you can add the URL to where you want your Ad Image to be linked.

Open in New Tab: Enable the option to open the featured link in the new tab.

Add rel attribute nofollow: Enable this option to add the nofollow attribute to the featured link.

Add rel attribute sponsored: Enable this option to add sponsored attribute to the featured link.