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Dark Mode

1 min read

The Dark Mode is also a premium extension provided by the Rishi Pro plugin which allows you to enable Dark mode on your website. This extension also provides you with lots of other advanced features that is complementary to enabling the Dark mode on a website.

Activating the Dark Mode Extension #

You can access the Dark Mode Extension via WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Rishi Theme > Extensions > Pro Extensions. Then click the Activate button to get the Dark Mode extension to work.

Configuring Dark Mode Settings #

Once the Dark Mode Extension is activated, you can access the Dark Mode setting via Appearance > Customize > Extensions > Dark Mode.

Enable Dark Mode: You can enable this option to display your website in Dark Mode and to display the Dark Mode toggle.

Show Dark Mode On: You can select if you want to display the Dark Mode across your entire website or only on pages/posts.

Icon Size: Choose the size for the toggle icon across different devices.

Position: Select the alignment for the toggle button.

Toggle Colors: Here you can choose the icon and background color for the toggle button.

Bottom Offset: You can position the toggle button from the bottom of the website and set different position values for different screen sizes.

Side Offset: Similar to the Bottom Offset, here you can position the toggle button from the side of the website.

Save in Cookies: Enabling this option will allow the plugin to keep the dark mode active if the user enabled it previously.

Auto Match OS Theme: Enabling this option will allow the plugin to activate dark mode if the user’s OS or browser are in Dark Mode.