With the Gallery Options, you can change the default product gallery settings on the single product page of your website.
You can access the Gallery Options via Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Single Product > Gallery Options. The following are the different settings provided under the Gallery Options:
Product Width: Select the width value for the product’s featured image container.
Thumbnails Spacing: Select the spacing between the product thumbnails in the product gallery.
Gallery Position: You can choose to position the product gallery either in horizontal or vertical direction.
Image: You can choose the aspect ratio and width value for the product’s featured image here.

Image Ratio: You can choose one of the three provided options i.e. Original, Predefined and Custom.
On choosing the Original option, the images will be displayed using the aspect ratio in which they were uploaded.
If you choose the Predefined option then you will need to select one out of the eight provided aspect ratio options.
And, if you choose the Custom option then you can apply your own preferred aspect ratio to the product image.
Image Size: Here, you can enter the width value for the product image. The image height will be automatically calculated based on the image ratio you have chosen.
Enable Lightbox: Enable this option to add lightbox effect to the product image.
Enable Zoom Effect: Enable this option to apply zoom effect to the product image.