You can display the list of Portfolios created on your website on any page/post using the Portfolio Shortcode.
[RISHI_PORTFOLIO per-page=9 ids="" cat=""]
You will need to install and activate the Rishi Pro plugin and then activate the Portfolio extension to use the Portfolio Shortcode.
Activating the Portfolio Extension #
You can access the Portfolio Extension via Dashboard > Appearance > Rishi Theme > Extensions > Pro Extensions. Then activate toggle to get the Portfolio extension to work.

Adding the Portfolio Shortcode #
You can use a Shortcode block on a page/post editor to embed the Portfolio Shortcode.

Parameters for the Portfolio Shortcode #
The Portfolio Shortcode provides three different parameters that you can use to display a filtered Portfolio list on your website.
per-page: Here you need to enter the number of Portfolios you want to display inside the Portfolio block.
[RISHI_PORTFOLIO per-page=9 ids="" cat=""]
ids: You can enter the array of Portfolio ids that you want to display inside the Portfolio block.
[RISHI_PORTFOLIO per-page=9 ids="907,903,899,895" cat=""]
You can find a Portfolio id for each Portfolio via Dashboard > Portfolios > All Portfolios.

cat: You can use this attribute when you want to display the Portfolio posts belonging to a particular Portfolio category. You can enter an array of Portfolio category ids here.
[RISHI_PORTFOLIO per-page=9 ids="" cat="55,56,57"]
You can find a Portfolio category id for each Portfolio category via Dashboard > Portfolios > Portfolio Category.

Portfolio Shortcode Frontend View #