The Rishi Theme provides the following elements to configure the layout settings for the Blog Archive.
Page Title #
Enable the toggle to show the page title. Once enabled, you can adjust the complete page title settings.
The following settings are provided for page title.
General Settings #
Enable Page Header: Enable the toggle to display page header.
Breadcrumb: Enable to display breadcrumb in blog archive page.
Blog Title: Enable to display blog title.
Blog Description: Enable this option to display blog page content as a Blog Description.
Horizontal Alignment: Configure the horizontal alignment of page header for different screen size.
Vertical Spacing: Set vertical spacing for different screen size.
Design Settings #
Content Area Background: Choose background color blog archive page content.
Font: Choose font color for blog archive page title.
Blog Page Layout – You can choose a blog page layout for your site here.
Post Navigation – You can select the Navigation type here for the Blog page.
Default Sidebar Layout – You can select the Sidebar layout for the blog page here.
Blog Container – Choose the blog page container layout here.
Enable Stretch Layout – Enabling this option allows the layouts to be stretched on the blog page.
Post Elements #
Featured Image – The Featured Image is the main image displayed on a post card. The setting for this element offers handy controls that will let you adjust the image size, image scale and aspect ratio. Here you can also choose to display or hide the image on the blog page across several devices.
Categories – In the post element section, categories are used to organize list of categories of that post. They can be separated with dots, backslashes, dashes, or pipes for clarity.
Post Meta – The Post Meta is the meta descriptions of a post such as an author name, category, published date, showing avatar, etc. The Rishi Theme offers two Post Meta elements that you can use to display different meta information across different parts of a post card. Here you can also select a divider type to separate the meta-information selected for each Post Meta element.
Title – Title represents each post title on the Blog page. You can set the heading tag and the font size for the post title via this setting.
Excerpt – Excerpt is the small amount of post content that is displayed for each blog post. Here you can choose to either display the entire post content for all the blog posts on the Blog page or display an excerpt of a certain length of words.
Divider – A divider creates space around each post, separating them from one another.
Read More Button – The Read more button links you to the actual post from the Blog page. You can choose to display either plain text or a button as the Read more button. You can also choose to hide or display the arrowhead for the Read more button.
Note: You can sort all the above post elements simply by dragging the elements up and down.
Click on the eye icon at the side of the element name to enable or disable the element on the Blog page.