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Configuring Web Stories Settings

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In this documentation, we will be discussing about the Web Stories settings provided by the Rishi Companion plugin.

You can access these settings via Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > WordPress Defaults > Web Stories.

Settings for Web Stories displayed on the site Header/Footer #

Display Stories: Enabling this option will further display the rest of the Web Stories settings in the site customizer. On the front-end, it will display the stories created on the default site location i.e. the site header.

View Type: Here you can choose the shape in which you want the stories to be displayed.

Number of Stories: Select the number of stories you want to display on the site header.

Order By: Select the order by which you want the stories to be displayed. The stories can be displayed based on the date they were published or based on the alphabetical order of the story title.

Order: Choose to display the stories based on either ascending or descending order of the order type selected.

Circle Size: Select the radius of the circular box in pixels where the stories are displayed.

Display Title: Checkmark this option to display the Story title.

Display Archive Link: Checkmark this option to display the link to the Web Stories archive page on the Web Stories section.

Archive Link Label: Enter the archive link label here.

Location: Choose the location to display the Web Stories section.

Shortcode: You can use the below shortcode to add the Web Stories section displayed on the site header or footer to your website’s posts and pages.


Settings for the Pages where you display all your Web Stories #

Shortcode: You can use the following shortcode to display all your web stories on a single page/post.


Display Type: You can choose to either display all stories or a custom number of stories on a page/post.

Number of Stories: You can choose the number of stories you want to display. This option is only available when the Custom option is selected inside the Display Type option.

Number of Columns: Select the number of columns to display the stories.

Order By: Select the order by which you want the stories to be displayed. The stories can be displayed based on the date they were published or based on the alphabetical order of the story title.

Order: Choose to display the stories based on either ascending or descending order of the order type selected.

Show Title: Checkmark this option to display the Story title.

Show Author: Checkmark this option to display the Story author.

Show Date: Checkmark this option to display the date when a story was published.

Show Description: Checkmark this option to display the Story description.