Built-in Performance Settings for Best Performance
Rishi Theme includes 20+ speed optimization settings to optimize your website performance and rank better on search engines.
No jQuery
Rishi uses Vanilla JavaScript that optimizes your site’s performance by preventing render blocking jQuery.

Less than 70 KB
Rishi requires less than 70 KB of resources, which is far less than other bulky WordPress themes. No wonder performance is a guarantee in Rishi.
Loads in just half a second!
Rishi is a core vital optimized theme that focuses on faster speed and performance. Plus, its super-lightweight build enables your site to load faster in just half a second.

Optimized code
Rishi uses the default WordPress data and practices the best coding standards to ensure every code line is optimized.
Smart Lazy Loading for Images
Rishi loads only those images that are visible on users’ screens at a given time. Rest of the images remain unloaded. Such a feature increases the page loading speed.

Lightbox for Images and Galleries
Rishi uses the default WordPress data and practices the best coding standards to ensure every code line is optimized.
Disable Responsive Images
Due to the way that responsive images work, you may notice an increase in size when uploading them. This option disables the generation of new image sizes and saves storage space during uploading.

Add Missing Image Dimensions
These features add width and height attributes to the images to improve the CLS.
Control Image Dimensions Cropping
The crop size for the featured pictures is controlled by this switch. To save space on your hosting server, you may turn off the ones you aren’t likely to use.

Prevent Automatic Favicon Request
Adding a favicon can result in some extra HTTP requests and about 1.5KB overhead. You can
disable automatic favicon requests to avoid extra requests and annoying response text decreasing the load time.
Remove Emojis from frontend
By enabling the Emojis, you are loading an additional HTTP request on every page. This can add up quickly and slows down website performance if enabled indefinitely! To avoid this problem you can disable emojis from the front end.

Disable Self Pingbacks
Disabling self pingbacks avoid annoying interlinking posts. Because you don’t need your website sending you notifications every time there is a self-ping.
Disable RSS Feeds
You can disable the WordPress-generated RSS feeds and 301 redirect URL if you don’t want RSS feeds on your website.

Load Gravatars Locally
Loading Gravatars locally by enabling caching helps to reduce the number of HTTP requests and streamline your website.
Google Fonts Optimization
You may choose from a variety of font optimization methods, such as preloading or caching the fonts to enhance rapid access and rendering. It reduces the number of requests to external font sources.

Elementor Optimization
Rishi comes with Elementor Optimization settings that you can use to enable or disable the loading of Google Fonts, Icons and Scripts as per the necessity of eliminating the unwanted functionalities.
- Disable WordPress Embeds
Disable WordPress Embeds to avoid additional requests to load wp-embed.min.js on each page. The request itself is sometimes a bigger deal than the content download size.
- Disable Gutenberg style on Page Builder
You can disable the Gutenberg style and components while working with other page builders like Elementor. This reduces the resources file size directly affecting the performance.
- Preload CSS
Preloading your CSS helps the CSS to load in a non-blocking manner. This means faster loading times because no resources need be awaited; rather it just gets done right away!
- Defer JavaScript Files
This option will result in a faster website and page download speed by deferring the loading of render-blocking JavaScript files.
- Delay JavaScript Files
You can delay or sort the loading of each JavaScript so that the total blocking time decreases and the performance boosts.
- Remove Ver Parameters
Enabling this feature on your site removes version query strings from your static resources. This helps improve the caching of those resources to increase the loading speed.

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