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How to Configure Gallery Option Settings?

< 1 min read

With the Gallery Options, you can change the default product gallery settings on the single product page of your website.

You can access the Gallery Options via Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Single Product > Gallery Options. The following are the different settings provided under the Gallery Options:

Product Width: Select the width value for the product’s featured image container.

Thumbnails Spacing: Select the spacing between the product thumbnails in the product gallery.

Gallery Position: You can choose to position the product gallery either in horizontal or vertical direction.

Image Ratio: You can choose the aspect ratio and width value for the product’s featured image here.

Image Scale: You can choose one of the three provided options i.e. contain, fill , cover.

Enable Lightbox: Enable this option to add lightbox effect to the product image.

Enable Zoom Effect: Enable this option to apply zoom effect to the product image.