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How to Configure Portfolio Template?

3 min read

Portfolio Template is a page template created for the Portfolio page. A Portfolio page assigned with the Portfolio Template(Rishi Portfolio) displays the list of Portfolio posts you have added to your website along with the Portfolio category filter option.

You will need to install and activate the Rishi Pro plugin and then activate the Portfolio extension for using the Portfolio Template.

Activating the Portfolio Extension #

You can access the Portfolio Extension via Dashboard > Appearance > Rishi Theme > Extensions > Pro Extensions.  Then activate the toggle to get the Portfolio extension to work.

How to create a Portfolio Page? #

For configuring the Portfolio Template setting, you will first need to create a Portfolio page.

You can follow the below steps to create a Portfolio page:

  • Navigate to Dashboard > Pages > Add New.
  • Enter the Page title and select Rishi Portfolio under the Template option.
  • Click on Publish.

Configuring the Portfolio Template Setting #

You can access the Portfolio Template setting via Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Rishi Portfolio > Portfolio Template.

The following are the settings that you can use to configure the Portfolio Template of the Portfolio page.

Show Page Title: Enable this option to display the page title on the Portfolio page.

Enable Breadcrumb: Enable this option to display breadcrumb navigation on the Portfolio page.

Horizontal Alignment: Select the alignment for the page title.

Bottom Spacing: Set the bottom spacing value for the page title.

General Setting #

Portfolio Layout: Select your preferred Portfolio layout.

Portfolio Style: Select the style for the Portfolio card content.

No. of Columns: This option is visible only when selecting Portfolio Layout two or Portfolio Layout three. Here you can enter the number of columns for displaying the Portfolio posts.

Column Gap: You can select the spacing between the existing columns containing the Portfolio posts.

Tab Button Alignment: Select the alignment for the tab buttons named with the Portfolio categories.

Content Alignment: Choose the text alignment for the Portfolio card content.

Excerpt: Enable this option to display the post excerpt on the Portfolio card.

Number of Words: You can select the excerpt length here.

Shortcode: You can use the following shortcode to display the Portfolio added, on any particular page or post on your website.

Design Setting #

The following are the different options provided under the Design settings tab:

Tab Button – Color: You can choose the initial and hover color for the tab button text here.

Tab Button -Typography: Configure the typography setting for the tab button text.

Portfolio Colors – Category: Choose the initial and hover color for the Portfolio category in the Portfolio card.

Portfolio Colors – Title: Select the initial and hover color for the Portfolio post title.

Portfolio Colors – Excerpt: Select the font color for the Portfolio post excerpt.

Portfolio Typography – Category: Configure the typography setting for the Portfolio category in the Portfolio card.

Portfolio Typography – Title: Configure the typography setting for the Portfolio post title.

Portfolio Typography – Excerpt: Configure the typography setting for the Portfolio post excerpt.

Image Radius: Enter the border-radius value for the Portfolios.

Content Padding: Enter the padding value for the Portfolio card content.

Margin: Enter the margin value for the Portfolio section.

Portfolio Template Frontend View #