Scroll To Top button enhances the overall user experience by allowing quick and effortless access to the top of the content, particularly on long-scrolling pages.
The following are the different settings provided for the Button Header element.
General Settings #
Show Scroll To Top: Enable this option to show scroll-to-top button.
Icon Selector: Choose icon for the scroll-to-top feature.
Button Shape: Choose between a square or circular button design based on your preference.
Icon Size: Set icon size for different screen sizes.
Bottom Offset: Specify the distance from the bottom of the page where you wish to display the scroll-to-top button.
Side Offset: Specify the distance from the side of the page where you want to display the scroll-to-top button.
Alignment: Set alignment for the button.
Visibility: Select the device on which you prefer to show the scroll-to-top button.

Design Settings #
Button Type: Choose whether you want the button to be filled or outline.
Icon Color: Choose initial and hover color for icon.
Shape Background Color: Choose initial and hover background color for the button.
Border: Choose initial and hover color for border and choose border style as well.
Box Shadow: Configure the box shadow.
Button Padding: Set space around the button.