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Mobile Truncate

1 min read

Enabling the Mobile Truncate option provided by the Advanced Blogging extension will add a read more break to your single blog post content when viewed on mobile device. It helps with an easy navigation of the site posts and provides content access to the readers by choice.

To access this option, you will first need to install and activate the Rishi Pro plugin and then activate the Advanced Blogging extension.

Activating the Advanced Blogging Extension #

You can access the Advanced Blogging Extension via Dashboard > Appearance > Rishi Theme > Extensions > Pro Extensions. Then activate the toggle to get the Advanced Blogging extension to work.

Once the extension is activated, you can access the Mobile Truncate setting via Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Advanced Blogging > Mobile Truncate.

General Setting #

The following are the different settings provided under the General Settings tab:

Show Mobile Truncate: Enable this option to add a button to expand your post content on mobile devices.

Title: Enter the read more button label.

Excerpt Height: Select the height of the excerpt container.

Design Setting #

The following are the different options provided under the Design settings tab:

Title Font: Select the Typography setting for the button label.

Title Color: Select the initial and hover color for the button text.

Background Color: Select the initial and hover background color for the button.

Border Color: Select the initial and hover border color for the button.

Mobile Truncate Frontend View #